3) Traffic distribution In the organizational structure of most departments, ws number list how to allocate traffic to sales has always been a headache. In fact, the solution is very simple, just look at the input-output ratio. First of all, each sales will have a guaranteed minimum flow ws number list very day, 10-20 fans is more suitable, if too little is given, the effect will not be verified, and too much is easily wasted.
Each sales has a period of assessment, giving time to traffic, ws number list allowing him to prove his sales ability. The assessment period should ws number list not be too short. Products with high customer orders should take at least one month, because traffic conversion itself takes time, ws number list and some sales are slow, but once you find it, you will feel very strong.
After ensuring the basic traffic, it depends on the output ws number list amount of the average single fan. If it exceeds the expected value, slowly increase the traffic, but it can't add too much. 30 fans per day should be the limit. . Slowly reduce traffic that is lower than the ws number list expected value, and if it has not been able to meet expe