If you want to teach your audience something, you cannot Telemarketing List avoid video content. Recipients can view this content faster Telemarketing List than a (long) written text, and the message sticks better. Tip : Online video can make visually very clear what often remains very abstract in text. Augmented Reality (AR) adds an extra aspect to this. With Telemarketing List AR you can visually explain what is normally inaccessible, much too small or too big to display. You see and hear 'normal' video.
You experience AR, which goes further for Telemarketing List learning purposes than just seeing and hearing. You need entire textbooks to explain certain diseases. In an AR environment, a doctor can walk around an organ to point out exactly how the human Telemarketing List body works in an AR model. 5G makes video the new content standard The Telemarketing List arrival of 5G ensures that everyone, everywhere, can watch as much HD video as possible. Streaming video is the way in which we absorb content in no time . According to our own research Telemarketing List conducted by MarketResponse, 88 percent of marketers use video in their marketing strategies every year.
We expect that this percentage, at least for Telemarketing List large organizations, will creep further and further towards 100: anyone who is still not on board in ten years' time will probably no longer exist. If you finally write according to the rules at B1 level, a part of Telemarketing List your target group still does not understand the text. That can only happen. If you write at B1 level, you have 80% of the population in the pocket. That's a nice score, but Telemarketing List about 20% (3.5 million people) don't understand your text or forms (yet).